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University of Pittsburgh Greensburg    
2023-2024 Greensburg Campus Catalog 
  Mar 13, 2025
2023-2024 Greensburg Campus Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Procedures and Policies

Three-Term Calendar

The Greensburg campus makes its educational resources available to students year-round by operating on a three-term rather than a two-term academic calendar. The approximate beginning and ending dates for the three terms are:

  Fall Term Late August through mid-December
  Spring Term January through late April
  Summer Term & Sessions May through early August

A greater variety and number of classes will be available during the fall and spring terms than during the summer term. The summer term provides students with the opportunity to supplement their course work or to make up any academic deficiencies.

Summer Orientation and Academic Registration

Full-time, first-year students admitted for the fall term are required to attend one of the Summer Orientation and Academic Registration (SOAR) sessions held during the summer preceding enrollment. During SOAR, students become familiar with the campus and the academic programs and meet their fellow classmates.  Students who have an extenuating circumstance and cannot attend SOAR, and students who are admitted for the spring semester, will be required to complete an online orientation platform.

Math and English Placement

Almost all students will take a writing and mathematics course during their first semester. Students will be assigned to a course level that is appropriate to their backgrounds and abilities in writing and mathematics.

All incoming first-year students are placed into College Composition 1 (ENGCMP 0010), with the required College Composition 2 (ENGCMP 0020) course to be taken in a subsequent semester.  Exemption from ENGCMP 0010 can be accomplished in one of two ways:

  • Earn a score of 600 or higher on the verbal section of the SAT. No credits awarded, exemption only.
  • Earn a score of 5 on either the AP English: Language and Composition or AP English: Literature and Composition test.  College credits will be awarded, as well as exemption from College Composition 1.

Placement for mathematics courses will be based on the score earned on the ALEKS mathematics placement test.  Full-time students admitted for the fall term are required to take the mathematics placement exam prior to scheduling their first-semester classes. Part-time students and full-time students admitted for the spring or summer terms take the math placement examinations prior to registering for a math course.  More information can be found using links on the Orientation website

Academic Advising

Upon acceptance to the University, full-time students are assigned an advisor from the Academic Advising Center or from their academic program.  The advisor will help them develop a plan and select courses that are consistent with their objectives and qualifications. About the time students earn 45 credits, they are expected to declare the program of study or major they wish to pursue. At this time, students will also be assigned to a faculty advisor who either teaches in the field of interest or specializes as an advisor in that area. Students are required to meet with their advisor during the enrollment period for each term, but advisors are also available throughout the term for additional conferences with students. Students are urged to meet with their advisor frequently to discuss academic and career plans as well as problems or concerns. Part-time students are advised by the advisors in the Academic Advising Center. Appointments for advising and/or enrollment conferences may be scheduled by contacting the advisor directly, using the Pathways/Navigate app on the Pitt portal, or calling the Academic Advising Center, 724-836-9940.


During the enrollment period in the fall and spring terms, students select and enroll in their courses for the upcoming terms. Enrollment typically begins in late October for the spring term, in February for the summer term, and in late March for the fall term.  First-term students prepare their initial schedule during a meeting with an academic advisor in the summer.  All full-time students are expected to meet with an advisor who will assist them in selecting appropriate courses. Students must have their course selections approved by their assigned advisors in order to complete the enrollment process.

Student Self-Service Enrollment

Student Self-Service Enrollment allows students to enroll in classes as well as add and drop classes for a particular term and/or session. All undergraduate students are required to meet with an advisor prior to enrolling in classes. First-year students must also meet with an advisor to add or drop a class.  Prior to the start of the enrollment period, an “Academic Advisement Required” hold is placed on each student’s record and students must meet with an advisor in order for the hold to be removed.

Each term, students will be assigned an enrollment appointment, which indicates the date and time that the student becomes eligible to enroll in classes for the upcoming semester. Appointment information can be found in the Student Center in PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX on Students are assigned an enrollment appointment based on the total number of credits earned in their current career. A student’s enrollment appointment will begin on the date and time specified. Students may enroll and change their schedule until the end of the published add/drop period for a given term and or session. The deadlines for adding a course are published in Pitt-Greensburg’s Calendar of Important Dates which is available for each term on the Class Schedules page on the Pitt Greensburg website.

Students should be aware that dropping a course or courses may affect athletic and/or financial aid eligibility.

Dropping Courses

During the designated Add/Drop period, students who need to drop one or more courses may do so in their Student Center (PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX) on the Pitt portal. After the established deadline for the term or session, a student can no longer drop a course, but may process a Monitored Withdrawal (see Withdrawing from Courses below).

Students who decide not to attend the University may drop all of the courses for which they are registered during the add/drop period with no financial liability. Students who make this decision after the add/drop period must process a resignation through the Office of the Registrar (see Resignation or Termination of Registration below).

Extended Drop Period

Under special circumstances, undergraduate students may be eligible to drop a course in the third week of the fall or spring semester. Students must meet all of the following criteria to drop a course during the extended drop period:

  • Undergraduate students at all campuses
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Fall and spring semesters
  • Students must remain in full-time status after dropping the course(s).
  • The student’s advisor must provide permission to drop.

Students must review the proposed drop with their academic advisor. If the student’s advisor finds that the student is eligible, the advisor will process the drop(s). If the student’s advisor cannot process the drop for any reason, then the advisor will request that the Registrar’s Office at the student’s campus process it.

Course Withdrawal (from one or more, but not all classes)

After the end of the add/drop period and until the end of the ninth week of the fall and spring terms (or the published deadlines for the various sessions of the summer term), a student may withdraw from a course and receive the grade of W. W grades have no effect on the student’s GPA and the credits do not count toward graduation. There is no tuition adjustment associated with a course withdrawal. A student wishing to withdraw from a course should obtain a Monitored Withdrawal Request form from the Office of the Registrar or from the Advising Center and obtain the course instructor’s signature. Signed Monitored Withdrawal Requests must be returned to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

After the deadline for withdrawal, a student may withdraw from individual courses only in exceptional and extenuating circumstances and with the permission of Director of Academic Advising. Petitions for late withdrawals should be submitted to the Advising Center.

Students who wish to withdraw from all of their courses after the add/drop period should follow the procedures for Resignation or Termination of Registration below.

Resignation or Termination of Registration

After the end of the add/drop period, students who decide not to attend the University must resign from all courses through the Office of the Registrar. The deadline for resignation during the fall or spring term is the date on which 60 percent of the fall or spring term has been completed. The deadline for resignation or termination of registration is the last date for which students can expect any reduction in the tuition and fees they owe.

Adjustments to tuition charges resulting from official resignations are based on the effective date of resignation and in accordance with the federally-mandated calculation. (See Title IV Refund Policy for more information.) After the deadline, students will be responsible for all tuition and fees assessed for the term. Summer-term resignations are handled on a case-by-case basis because students may be registered for courses in different sessions.

An official resignation occurs when a student notifies the Office of the Registrar of his/her intent to terminate registration for all classes. The effective date of resignation is determined by one of the following: (1) the date of in-person contact with the Office of the Registrar, (2) the date of the postmark on the letter of intent to resign (or the date of receipt if no postmark exists), or (3) the date of telephone notification to the Office of the Registrar. R grades are assigned for all courses for which registration is terminated between the end of the add/drop period and the resignation deadline.

After the deadline for termination of registration or resignation, students may apply to the Director of Academic Advising for permission to withdraw from each of their classes. Petitions for late withdrawals should be submitted the the Academic Advising Center.  Permission will be granted only in exceptional and extenuating circumstances. If permission is granted, students will receive W grades for all classes, but will still be responsible for all tuition and fee charges.

Failing to attend the classes for which a student is registered or failing to notify the appropriate administrative offices of nonattendance is not considered an official resignation. Students who fail to follow proper procedures for termination of their registration are responsible for all tuition and fees assessed for the term or session.

Student Responsibilities in the Advising and Registration Process

Students are ultimately responsible for the successful planning and implementation of their academic program. This responsibility includes satisfying prerequisites for chosen courses, taking the appropriate courses to meet general education and major requirements, and abiding by the guidelines and policies of the University and the Greensburg campus. Students are expected to be generally familiar with the contents of this publication, as well as with the updates provided on the Pitt Greensburg website or through information sheets. Students should be aware of basic degree and major requirements, information about the registration process, and the rules governing changes in registration, etc. Students should maintain a personal file containing information about their academic progress and current registration. Students are also responsible for making appointments with their advisors during the registration period for each semester.

Support Services

Pitt-Greensburg has several offices that offer additional support to students who may be struggling academically. (See the Student Life and Success section for further information.)

  • The Counseling Center, located in Chambers Hall, offers free, confidential counseling for all students, including supportive counseling for issues that directly impact academic performance:
    • Depression that can impact attendance and motivation
    • Anxiety that can lead to attending and participating in class
    • Attention problems that can impact attendance, focus, and work completion
  • Office of Career Services, located in Chambers Hall, helps students prepare to reach their professional goals. Career staff help students to:
    • identify career options related to academic majors.
    • connect with networking, job shadowing, and internship opportunities.
    • prepare for and apply to graduate programs.
    • create resumes and cover letters for job searches
  • The Learning Resources Center, located above Millstein Library, offers:
    • Tutoring
    • The Writing Center
    • Study skills help
    • Disability Services
      • ​Classroom accommodations
      • Housing accommodations​

Other Opportunities for Earning Credits

In addition to the courses students take on the Pitt-Greensburg campus, students have a variety of options for earning credits that apply to a Pitt-Greensburg degree or for simply taking college-level courses. These options include the following:

Cross Registration at Cooperating Local Colleges

Cross registration gives students access to courses that are not available at Pitt-Greensburg. Students may cross register at Seton Hill University. Cross registration is limited to one course per semester and is available only during fall and spring terms and only to full-time students. Students must abide by the academic policies of the host institution in selecting cross registration classes. Both the grades and credits earned at the host institution are transferred to Pitt-Greensburg. Students interested in cross registration should consult with their advisor at the Academic Advising Center.

Credit by Examination

Students may earn credits toward graduation not only by taking and successfully finishing courses, but also by taking special examinations. Three types of special examinations are used at Pitt-Greensburg: Challenge Examinations, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and the Advancement Placement (AP) program of The College Board.

  1. In Challenge Examinations, students take a test for a specific course offered by the Greensburg campus. Each test for credit by examination must be arranged with the department teaching the course for which credit is desired. Departments set their own policies as to the specific courses for which students may request challenge examinations, the time and type of the examination, and the number of courses among those required for the major for which credit may be earned by examination.

    Students may not take credit examinations for material presupposed as prerequisites for admission. If students have mastered, during their high school careers, material that is traditionally covered in a college course and that is not required for college admission, they are allowed to attempt to obtain credit by examination for it, provided that the course is one for which the department accepts credit by examination. Credit by examination cannot be obtained, however, for a college level course for which credit has already been awarded, nor can it be used to alter a grade already received. Credit may not be earned by examination in lower-level sequence courses when the student has already obtained credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Students are not permitted to audit courses without registering and then apply for credit by examination.

    Students wishing to earn credit by examination should consult the department in which the course is given and then obtain the requisite form from the Office of the Registrar. There is a fee for the examination - whether or not credits are earned.
  2. The purpose of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is to enable those individuals who have attained college-level education in nontraditional ways to assess their achievement and use the test results in seeking college advanced placement credits in a selected program of study.

    The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, cognizant of the diversified backgrounds of its student population, uses the general examinations of CLEP as a means of evaluating adult candidates for advanced placement after admission to the University. The general examinations consist of five areas: English composition, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.
  3. Students who participated in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of The College Board may request college credit by asking the Educational Testing Service to forward their AP scores to the Pitt-Greensburg Office of Admissions. For students enrolled in Pitt Greensburg majors, credits based on AP tests will be awarded based on the same criteria used at the Pittsburgh campus. Detailed information about each specific AP Exam, score, and credits can be found on the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) website. 

Hybrid Courses

All hybrid/blended courses must provide 50% or more of the instruction in a face-to-face modality. For a three credit course this would amount to 22.5 hours of face-to-face contact. The percentage of face-to-face (in-classroom) hours and the percentage of online hours must be stipulated in the course syllabus so that the expectations are clear to students.

Transfer of Credits for Courses Taken at Other Schools

Students in good academic standing may enroll for a summer or special session at another institution as a way of advancing or supplementing their academic program. Pre-approval from the Academic Advising Center is required. Students should provide their academic advisor with a proposal specifying courses to be taken and academic objectives to be met along with a description of the content for each of the proposed courses.

To be eligible for transfer, courses taken at other schools must

  1. be offered by an accredited institution,
  2. be substantially the same as courses regularly offered at the Greensburg campus or at other liberal arts and science colleges, and
  3. not be a repetition of any course taken previously.

Students with fewer than 60 credits earned can take summer or special session courses at a two-year school. Students with fewer than 90 credits can take summer or special session courses at four-year schools. All students must complete their last 30 credits at the Pitt-Greensburg campus.

Verification of Enrollment

Requests for verification of a student’s enrollment are processed by the Office of the Registrar. The student’s signature is required as a condition to the release of verification of enrollment information.

Attendance Policy

Normally, students are expected to attend classes. There is no University rule regarding attendance, but individual faculty members may set rules for their courses.

Academic Integrity

One essential condition of an open and progressive University community is personal integrity. This requires honesty in all academic work. Students who cheat, plagiarize or otherwise take improper advantage of the work of others are subject to a variety of penalties. First-offense penalties vary at the discretion of the instructor.  They may be failed on the particular piece of work in question or in the course in which dishonest work is committed. A second offense may mean suspension or permanent dismissal from the University. Students should consult section on Academic Integrity in the Student Handbook.

Grading Options, Letter Grades, and Other Grade Report Codes

Students may register for courses with different grading options that include letter grades, pass for credit, and audit. Numeric values are assigned to letters for the purposes of computing grade point averages (GPA). Other grade reporting codes are used to identify courses in which work is incomplete or courses from which a student has withdrawn or resigned. Definitions and details on grading options, grade reporting codes, and grade and grade point averages are provided in the following sections.

Letter Grades/Number Equivalents/Quality Points Earned per Credit

  A+ = 4  
  A = 4 Superior attainment
  A- = 3.75  
  B+ = 3.25  
  B = 3 Meritorious attainment
  B- = 2.75  
  C+ = 2.25  
  C = 2 Adequate attainment
  C- = 1.75  
  D+ = 1.25  
  D = 1 Minimal attainment
  D- = 0.75  
  F = 0 Failure

Auditing Classes (N Grades)

Any course offered by the Greensburg campus may be audited by any student who has been admitted to Pitt-Greensburg. Audited courses appear on the transcript with a grade of N, but no credit is earned. Regular tuition rates apply to audited classes.

Satisfactory/No Credit Grading Option (S or NC Grades)

Some courses may be taken on a pass-for credit basis. A student enrolled in a course on a pass for credit basis receives either a grade of S or NC. An S grade is approximately equivalent to a letter grade of C or better and means that the student will receive credit for the course. An NC grade means that the student will not receive credit for the course. S and NC grades are not included in the calculation of the GPA. No more than 12 credits with S grades may be counted toward graduation. Students must declare their decision to choose the pass-for-credit grading basis by the deadline published in Pitt-Greensburg’s Calendar of Important Dates which is available for each term on the Class Schedules page on the Pitt Greensburg website.

Incomplete Grade (G Grades)

When students are prevented by circumstances beyond their control from completing a course and it is too late to withdraw, an instructor may assign a G grade. The G grade option should only be available when the student has been attending a course and has been making regular progress. The student and instructor are expected to complete, sign, and submit the G Grade Record Form, which serves as documentation of the work (e.g., a final examination or a term paper) that must be completed in order to finish the class. The instructor has discretion to decide if a G grade is appropriate and is under no compulsion to grant a G grade for substantially incomplete work. If a significant part of the work is incomplete and the student has not officially withdrawn, the appropriate grade is an F.

A G grade must be replaced by a final grade within three semesters; otherwise, the privilege of completing it is withdrawn and the G grade is changed to NG (no grade).  Until the G grade is changed to the final grade, an uncompleted G grade remains on the transcript and does not count in calculating the GPA. The student must arrange with the instructor for the completion of a G grade. Only the instructor who gave the G grade can change it; if he/she becomes unavailable by leaving the University, the credits may be lost.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the numeric indication of a student’s academic achievement based on a 4.00 grade point scale. Undergraduates must have a 2.00 GPA in order to graduate from the University of Pittsburgh. The value is the average of total letter grades earned and is available by term or career. Some academic centers may also maintain degree and/or major/departmental GPA values. The following example illustrates the calculation of the GPA.

Course Grade Numeric Value Credits Quality Points
ENGCMP 0020 A+ 4 3 12
FS 0024 B 3 2 6
BIOSC 0170 B 3 4 12
PSY 0010 C- 1.75 3 5.25
PS 0200 D+ 1.25 3 3.75
Totals     15 39
GPA (39 divided by 15) = 2.60    

All courses taken for credit on the letter-grade system, except repeated courses and transfer credits, are included in the computation of the official GPA, which is determined in the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Inclusion on the Dean’s List, honors at graduation, and placement on probation depend directly on this GPA.

Grade Reports

At the end of each term or session, the University posts students’ official grades in PeopleSoft. Students may access their grade reports in their Student Center which is accessed via PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX on the Pitt portal ( This report shows the total credits earned, the grade earned in each course taken during the period covered by the grade report, as well as the associated grade points earned.


Official transcripts of a student’s academic record can be requested through an online ordering system ( or in person by the student.  In-person requests are made in the Office of the Registrar, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, 120 Millstein Library.  The student’s signature and a photo ID are required as a condition of the release of academic transcripts. Telephoned requests cannot be honored. A fee of $3 is assessed for each copy issued to the student and a fee of $6 is assessed for each copy mailed to a designated recipient.  An active student may request an unofficial copy of a transcript once each term without charge. Transcripts are withheld if the student has an outstanding financial obligation to the University or a judicial hold.

Dean’s List

In recognition of students’ exemplary academic achievement, full‐time Pitt‐Greensburg students are placed on the Dean’s List at the conclusion of the regular fall and spring terms. This list includes the names of all full‐time students who earned at least 12 letter grade credits*(see additional guidance below) from Pitt‐Greensburg, and a minimum term GPA of 3.50 or higher.

Dean’s List recognition is published annually at the end of the spring term, for part‐time students who have accrued 12 letter grade credits*(see additional guidance below) in the previous summer, fall, and/or spring semesters and meet the same academic criteria as stated above.

Classes completed at other campuses within the Pitt system and through approved cross-registration agreements that meet the required academic criteria will be included as part of the 12 credit completion requirement.

Public Recognition & Student Notification

Students on the Dean’s List will receive a digital letter from the Office of Academic Affairs and their names are published on the Pitt‐Greensburg website. Please note, students who choose to have their directory information withheld by the University will not be included on the published list.

*Additional Guidance

  • Courses taken with the S/NC or H/S/U grading option are only included as part of the 12 credits earned if there is no option to take the course for a letter grade.
  • No letter grade lower than C.
  • Students with NC, U, G, or missing grades at the time of review will not be eligible for the Dean’s List.

Course Repetitions

  1. A student may repeat any course, except as noted below; however, only the repeated grade is counted toward the degree goal.
  2. No sequence course may be repeated for credit after a higher numbered course in that sequence has been passed with a C or higher grade.
  3. No course may be repeated at any other institution nor will the grade be accepted as a replacement for the original grade earned at the University of Pittsburgh.
  4. The grade earned by repeating a course is used in lieu of the grade originally earned even if it is lower than the original grade. The original course registration and grade remain on the academic record, but the grade and credits originally earned are not counted in the computation of the GPA. The repeated course does not increase the number of credits counted toward meeting the degree requirements unless an F is replaced by a passing grade.
  5. A W, R, or N grade reported for the repeated course will not be identified as a course repeat; thus, the original grade earned will continue to be counted in the GPA. Incomplete (G) grades will not be identified as repeated courses until the course work is completed.
  6. Students may repeat a course no more than two times without the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs or Director of Academic Advising.
  7. The repeated course must be the same as that in which the original grade was earned. In extenuating circumstances, with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the student may substitute another course of similar content.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Students are expected to achieve good academic standing, a minimum 2.00 cumulative GPA, every semester. Students who fail to earn the minimum cumulative GPA requirement are placed on academic probation, but are allowed to enroll and attend classes at Pitt-Greensburg. All student records are reviewed at the end of each semester to determine which students are having academic difficulty and have not met the minimum GPA requirement. Those who lack the minimum requirements for good academic standing are notified of their probationary status by mail and email.  The information received will describe the terms of their probation and the deadline by which their cumulative GPA must be raised above 2.0.

The academic progress of students on probation is monitored on a term-by-term basis. Students will remain on academic probation for one or two semesters.   If a student does not sufficiently raise their cumulative GPA above 2.0 within the time-frame stated in the probation letter, the student will be suspended from the University. Probationary students are encouraged to retake courses in which they have earned the grades of F or D to quickly repair their GPA. A student’s academic status (e.g. good academic standing, academic probation, suspension, etc.) is part of the students’ academic record, but not recorded on the transcript.  Probationary students who do not show progress toward achieving good academic standing are subject to suspension for a minimum of one semester or dismissal from the University.

Students who have been suspended from the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg are not permitted to take classes for at least one semester.  During the period of suspension, and in consultation with their academic advisor, a student who has been suspended may be permitted to transfer one course from another institution for each semester on suspension.  All transfer credit policies apply.  Courses previously taken at the University of Pittsburgh cannot be repeated at another institution.  Students must earn a minimum grade of C or better and only the credits, not the grades will transfer in.  Students wishing to return to the University of Pittsburgh Greensburg after their suspension period must contact the Academic Advising Office.  If a student chooses to extend their time away from the University beyond the specified period, reinstatement may be required.  All students returning from academic suspension are expected to work closely with the academic advising staff and other campus resources to achieve good academic standing.

Reinstatement After Suspension

Students who have been suspended may apply for reinstatement after the suspension period. A formal application for reinstatement should be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at least a month prior to the beginning of the term in which the student plans to enroll. Students seeking reinstatement who have been away more than 12 months must pay an application fee. Favorable action can be expected if the student provides evidence that he/she can pursue an academic program with some prospects for success.

Students who are readmitted after suspension may carry only those credits approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. If such a student does not achieve a satisfactory record for his/her approved program of courses, he/she will be permanently dismissed without appeal.

Any courses that a student may take at another institution during a period of suspension will be subject to review and may not be granted credit by the University after that student has been reinstated.

Active Status and Reinstatement/Readmission after Nonattendance

A student is active when admitted and enrolled in the term of admission. A student is considered to be enrolled only when officially registered with the Registrar in accordance with established University policies. Once students have been admitted to and enrolled at Pitt-Greensburg, they are eligible to continue as long as they maintain satisfactory academic standing and continue to register during the fall and spring terms until they have earned degrees.

Students become inactive when: (1) as new or readmitted students they do not enroll in the term of admission/readmission, (2) they have not enrolled for at least one credit during three consecutive terms, or (3) they have graduated. An inactive student is not permitted to use University facilities or to receive counseling or active supervision by a faculty member, advisor, or committee.

Students who do not enroll in the term of admission/readmission may defer admission or readmission for up to one year. Requests to defer admission should be addressed in writing to the Office of Admissions. Students who do not enroll within one year of their initial admission to Pitt-Greensburg must reapply before registering for classes. Readmission is not automatic. The student must meet all current admission and degree requirements.

Once they have been admitted and enrolled, students are expected to maintain their active status with the University until they graduate. Students who are absent from the University for a year (i.e., do not enroll for at least one credit during three consecutive terms) must apply for and be granted reinstatement before they may resume their programs. Reinstatement requires formal application to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs at least one month prior to the beginning of a term. If the reasons given in the reinstatement application clearly indicate that the student can resume his/her program with reasonable expectation of completion, and if the vice president for academic affairs has no other grounds for denying the request, favorable action can be expected. Applications for reinstatement should be submitted during the registration period (i.e., week seven to week 12) of the term preceding the term for which the student seeks reinstatement so that students may meet with an advisor for help in selecting courses and planning their programs. The student’s status upon reinstatement will be that which he/she attained at the end of his/her last term in residence or at the beginning of the term during which resignation took place. Applicants will be notified by letter of the action taken on their applications.

Students who interrupt their studies at Pitt-Greensburg for one or more terms to attend another institution must apply for readmission to the University as a transfer student. This rule does not apply to students who, with the permission of the vice president for academic affairs, attend another institution as part of their academic programs. Please refer to the regulations for transfer admission. Readmission is not automatic. The student must meet all current admission and degree requirements.

Statute of Limitations

All the credits required for a degree, whether earned on the Pitt-Greensburg campus or transferred from another institution, must have been earned no more than 12 years prior to the date on which the degree is awarded. However, when given evidence that the previous courses still provide adequate preparation for courses yet to be taken and the courses yet to be taken represent a reasonable part of the total academic program, the Vice President for Academic Affairs may waive this limitation. In such cases, the waiver is for a specific period during which the program must be completed.



The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree will be awarded upon the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  1. Completion of all required courses satisfactorily; that is, at least 120 credits of academic work at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg in one of the prescribed curricula by completion of courses, by advanced standing, or by examinations.
  2. Application for a degree when the student has earned 90 credits.
  3. Completion of the senior-year coursework (the last 30 credits) at the University.
  4. Achievement of minimum overall grade point average of 2.00 in courses taken at the University with a minimum 2.00 grade point average in the major.  (Some departments have more stringent requirements.  Consult the Program Descriptions in this publication.)
  5. Recommendation for a degree by the duly constituted authority of the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg.


When students have earned 90 credits, they must file an application for graduation with the Senior Academic Advisor. Compliance with this deadline will enable the Academic Advising Office to make a complete appraisal of the student’s record. Any deficiency disclosed by the evaluation should be corrected promptly by the student.


Those students in a graduating class who have attained an outstanding scholastic record may be graduated with honors. To qualify for honors, a student must have completed at least 60 letter-graded credits at the University of Pittsburgh and attained a cumulative GPA of 3.25 for cum laude, 3.50 for magna cum laude, and 3.75 for summa cum laude. The graduation honors for the purposes of the spring commencement ceremony are based on the records of students at the end of the fall semester. Graduation honors reported on the official diploma and recorded in the permanent record are based on the student’s complete record through the end of the final semester.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, commonly referred to as the Buckley Amendment, the University guarantees that students have the right to inspect all personally identifiable records maintained by the institution and may challenge the content and accuracy of those records through appropriate institutional procedures. It is further guaranteed by the University that student records containing personally identifiable information will not be released except as permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. See for more information on FERPA.

Relocation (Transfer) to Another Pitt Campus

Students planning to relocate to another campus at the University of Pittsburgh should talk with their academic advisor about the relocation requirements as early as possible. The advisor can also assist with choosing courses that will transfer.  The GPA and credit requirements vary from program to program so it is important to research the intended program and follow their guidelines carefully.  To apply for relocation, the first step is to complete and submit a relocation application, which is available in the Academic Advising Office (110 Millstein).  The school that the student applies to will review the application materials, make the admission decision, and notify the student directly. 

Before registering for classes in the new program, the student must have their Greensburg advising hold removed.  Please contact the Academic Advising Center at the Greensburg campus (724-836-9940) to have the hold removed prior to the registration appointment at the new campus. Students already registered for classes at the Greensburg campus must drop them first, before registering for classes on their new campus.

Statement of Compliance Regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for VA Educational Beneficiaries - 38 US Code Section 3675(b)

This policy applies to students who are VA beneficiaries and is intended to prevent the submission of VA-claims (“certifications”) for those students who are suspended.  Specifically:

  • In this instance, VA beneficiaries are defined as students receiving VA educational benefits under Chapter-30, Chapter-33, Chapter-35 and Chapter-1606, Title 38 U.S. Code.
  • Students placed on academic probation at the end of the term may be certified for VA educational benefits for the subsequent term.  If the student does not meet satisfactory academic progress in that subsequent term-defined as attaining a cumulative GPA at or above 2.00 for full-time students or attaining a cumulative GPA at or above 2.00  after attempting 12 additional credits for part-time students-the university will immediately suspend further VA certifications on behalf of the student. 
  • Students returning from one calendar year of suspension must re-apply for admission to the university.  If accepted, those students may be certified for VA educational benefits.

Certification of Chapter-31 students will be at the discretion of the student’s VA vocational rehabilitation counselor. 

Statement of Compliance Regarding VA Educational Beneficiaries - 38 US Code Section 3679(e)

As a matter of policy, the University of Pittsburgh allows students identified as covered individuals* to attend and participate in all course(s) of education for any given term in which the student has been certified for VA educational benefits.  This policy includes those circumstances in which VA payment(s) for student tuition and fees is late or delayed for up to 90 days after date of certification.  The University retains the right to impose late fees upon those students who incur or retain an outstanding balance beyond the amount of expected VA tuition & fee payment for the term.  

It is school policy to request all beneficiaries of VA educational benefits-including covered individuals*-provide the following documentation as part of certification process:

  • VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Statement of Benefits as printed from the website
  • Completion of a certification request form (in hard-copy or on-line), which includes biographical information necessary for submission in the VA’s IT system of record-VA-Once. 

Failure to provide such documentation will result in the delay of any VA claim or certification. 

* Note:  VA defines a Covered Individual as any individual who is entitled to VA educational assistance under the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program (38 U.S. Code Chapter 31) or the VA’s Post-9/11 GI Bill® (38 U.S. Code Chapter 33).

(“GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Statement of Compliance Regarding the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 - Section 1018

In accordance with the ”Responsible Education Mitigating Options and Technical Extensions Act“ or the “REMOTE Act” of 2021 to Section 1018 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315)., the University of Pittsburgh provides a College Financing Plan (formerly known as Financial Aid Shopping Sheet) to every student who completes a FAFSA application including all VA beneficiaries.

Per Veterans Benefits Administration notification, “Isakson and Roe, Section 1018 Changes, dated June 13, 2022: The REMOTE Act affords the opportunity for schools to use the College Financing Plan (CFP), available through the U.S. Department of Education as a means to satisfy the requirements of section 3679(f). An Educational Training Institution that utilizes this form is providing sufficient consumer information, will be exempt from all section 3679(f) requirements, and does not need to apply for a waiver.   An Educational Training Institution does not need to be participating in Federal Title IV Federal Student Aid to utilize the CFP to satisfy the requirements of section 3679(f).

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