ANTH 0771 - INTRODUCTION TO ANTHROPOLOGY 2: SOCIOCULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Anthropology is the integrative study of who we are and where we come from. Anthropologists study all aspects of humans-including our evolution, our cultures, our languages, our histories, our entanglements with other living organisms, our health, our genetics, and so on. This course is a general introduction to the four fields of anthropology that looks at how anthropologists understand the cultural and physical aspects of humankind, past and present, across the world. This second part of a two semester course introduces the sub-disciplines of linguistic anthropology and sociocultural anthropology. It examines the nature and characteristics of human language, with an emphasis on language in context (sociolinguistics). In sociocultural anthropology, the course focuses on the ways in which humans negotiate and give form and meaning to their world, as groups and as individuals, through the workings of their respective cultures. It examines livelihoods, kinship, religion, political systems, culture change, etc. in the holistic and cross-culturally comparative approach of anthropology that emphasizes similarities in humankind. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade
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