SOC 0432 - WEALTH AND POWERMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 In this course we aim to understand the fundamental structure and workings of modern capitalist society. We will examine the distribution of wealth, income, and power in both the US and globally, and consider the notions of democracy and imperialism in the context of what we broadly call, "globalization". Can we have political equality in societies with high degrees of economic inequality? Are corporations too powerful? Whose side does government usually take the little guys' or the corporations'? Why? How is it possible that the richest nation in the world also has more poverty than any other "democratic" country? We will explore these and many other topics from the macro- to the micro- levels of analysis Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Attributes: DSAS Social Science General Ed. Requirement, SCI Polymathic Contexts: Soc/Behav. GE. Req.
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