INFSCI 1075 - NETWORK SECURITYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Network security and cryptographic protocols. Network vulnerabilities, attacks on TCP/IP, network monitoring, security at the link, network and transport layers. Cryptography, e.g., Secret and public key schemes, message authentication codes and key management. Wlan security, ipsec, ssl, and vpns. E-mail security (pgp, s/mime); kerberos; x.509 Certificates; AAA and mobile IP; SNMP security; firewalls; filters and gateways. Policies and implementation of firewall policies; stateful firewalls; firewall appliances. Network related physical security, risk management and disaster recovery/contingency planning issues and housekeeping procedures. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: INFSCI 1070 and INFSCI 1074
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