PSY 1205 - ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course provides an overview of the major issues in the area of mental illness. This course emphasizes the scientific approach to understanding the major psychological and behavioral disorders. The research and clinical literatures regarding the etiology, course and treatment of these disorders will be presented. PSY 1205 is only available to students who have taken it in the past and wish to improve their grade. Anyone who has not previously taken 1205 will not be allowed to enroll and should instead enroll in PSY 0205: Psychopathology (this is the same course as 1205; only the number and name have changed). If you have previously enrolled in PSY 1205 and wish to repeat it for grade improvement, you will need the permission of the Psychology Advising Office. To obtain a permission number, contact Jennifer Stapel, jstapel@pitt.edu, 3113 Sennott Square. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: PSY 0010
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