ASTRON 0089 - STARS, GALAXIES AND THE COSMOSMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This is a self-contained course for students not majoring in the physical sciences. The Universe in which we live is an unimaginably vast and rich place that is understandable through the same physical laws that govern our existence here on Earth. By exploring topics from our nearest neighboring stars to the farthest galaxies newly formed after the Big Bang, this course will engage your mind to better understand our Universe and your everyday world. Through active and engaged participatory lectures, we will observe the cosmos and learn about the birth, life, and death of stars and their mysterious remnants: pulsars and black holes. From studying stars and our own Milky Way Galaxy, we will expand our vision to cosmology and investigate the origin and ultimate fate of the Universe. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Attributes: DSAS Natural Science General Ed. Requirement, SCI Polymathic Contexts: Science NonSeq.GE. Req.
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