SCIENTIFIC WRITING   [Archived Catalog]
2019-2020 Greensburg Campus Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
Effective writing is essential for the communication of scientific knowledge, yet few biologists have any formal training in how to write a scientific paper. BIOSC 1960 would be a three-credit course, which is designed to teach students how to become more effective writers by demystifying the writing process. We will work throughout the semester on students' research papers: we will start with outlines and rough drafts; the students will then review and critique each other's writing in class, and in small peer groups; and we will revise each section of these papers several times before the final drafts are completed. By the end of the semester, students will have a better understand of the conventions of scientific writing and of readers' expectations. Additionally, students will learn how to solicit high-quality feedback from faculty and their peers, and how to respond to feedback in thoughtful and deliberate ways when revising. This course would be required for all students to complete before taking their capstone course.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
Course Requirements: PREQ: BIOSC 0070/0170, BIOSC 0080/0180/ CHEM 0110/0120, ENGCMP 0020 and 2nd semester Junior.

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